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Salesforce Integration

AgileBlue Cerulean AI can monitor your Salesforce environment by ingesting logs generated by the platform.


  • Salesforce Spring '22 (v54.0) and newer


  • Ensure API Enabled permission is selected for your user's Salesforce user profile and that View Real-Time Event Monitoring Data is selected as well
    1. Navigate to Setup > Quick Find > Users then select Users
    2. Select the profile for the User Account being used for data collection
    3. Ensure API Enabled is enabled for data collection
    4. Ensure View Real-Time Event Monitoring Data is also selected
  • Enable Event Streaming for Login Event and Logout Event
    1. Navigate to Setup > Quick Find > Event Manager and click Event Manager
    2. Under Login Event, click the down arrow in the left-hand corner and select Enable Streaming
    3. Do the same for Logout Event

Setup Steps

  1. Collect your Salesforce Instance URL and copy to a secure location
    1. Your Salesforce instance URL is the URL in the address bar while accessing Salesforce Classic
    2. If you are leveraging Salesforce Lightning, the URl can be found under the user name in the View Profile tab
  2. Log in to Salesforce with the user credentials for the user with whom data will be collected
  3. Click Setup then search for and click on App Manager in the search box at the top of hte page
  4. Select New Connected App
  5. Enter a name for the app (ex. AgileBlue Salesforce Integration)
  6. Add an API name, which will default to the app name, ensuring that there are no spaces – only letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed (ex. agileblue_salesforce_integration)
  7. Enter the Salesforce contact email
  8. In the APi section, select Enable OAuth Settings
  9. Enter your Instance URL under Callback URL
  10. Apply the following OAuth scopes to the app:
    1. Manage user data via APIs (api)
    2. Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
    3. Full access (full)
  11. Click Require Secret for the Web Server Flow
  12. Select Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
  13. Select Save (it may take about 10 minutes for the changes to take effect)
  14. Click Continue then select Manage Consumer Details and verify the user account using Verification Code
  15. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from the consumer details section
  16. Securely send the following details to AgileBlue Support (support@agileblue.com)
    1. Salesforce instance URL (ex. https://na9.salesforce.com/home/home.jsp)
    2. Client ID (same as Consumer Key)
    3. Client Secret (same as Consumer Secret)
    4. Username (User ID of the registered user in Salesforce)
    5. Password (Password used for authentication the above user)

Need Help?

AgileBlue is always here to support you and ensure you are 100% successful. If there are any issues with the installation or if you have any questions, please reach out to AgileBlue Support.

Email: support@agileblue.com 
Phone: (216) 606-9400