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Qualys VMDR Integration

AgileBlue's Cerulean AI SecOps Platform can monitor your Qualys Vulnerability Management, Detection, and Response tool by leveraging the Qualys REST API.

Supported Platform Version

Setup Process

  1. Navigate to this link to identify your Qualys platform and URL for your Qualys Server API
  2. Within Qualys, provision a user account with Username and Password for the agent to pull from
  3. Securely send the following values back to AgileBlue Support:
    1. Username
    2. Password
    3. Qualys Server API URL

Need Help?

AgileBlue is always here to support you and ensure you are 100% successful. If there are any issues with the installation or if you have any questions, please reach out to AgileBlue Support.

Email: support@agileblue.com 
Phone: (216) 606-9400