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Cloudflare API Integration

AgileBlue's Cerulean AI SecOps platform can ingest audit and traffic logs from Cloudflare by accessing the Cloudflare API.

Setup Process

Cloudflare's API documentation can be found here for reference.

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard
  2. Select your account and domain
  3. From the Overview page, navigate to the API section
  4. Copy the following values to a secure location:
    1. Zone ID
    2. Account ID
  5. Click My Profile then API Tokens
  6. Select Create Token
  7. Pick a template or create a custom token
  8. Grant Read access under user permissions and and Access: Audit Logs Read under account permissions
  9. Select Continue to summary then click Create Token after confirming the summary is accurate
  10. Securely send the following values back to AgileBlue Support:
    1. Auth Email
    2. Auth Key
    3. Account ID
    4. Zone ID

Need Help?

AgileBlue is always here to support you and ensure you are 100% successful. If there are any issues with the installation or if you have any questions, please reach out to AgileBlue Support.

Email: support@agileblue.com 
Phone: (216) 606-9400