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  2. Agent Installation

Deploy The Mac Cerulean Agent Via Intune

By leveraging AgileBlue's .pkg version of the Cerulean Agent Mac installer, users can deploy the agent via Microsoft Intune.

Supported Cerulean Agent Versions

  • 2304.3.3

Download Your Intune-Compatible Installer

  1. Log in to the AgileBlue Cerulean AI SecOps Platform
  2. Navigate to Agents in the left-hand menu
  3. Identify the Mac installer compatible with your environment:
    1. Mac Agent Installer: Mac devices with Intel chips (typically devices manufactured in 2020 and earlier)
    2. Mac ARM Agent Installer: Mac devices with ARM processors (more common)
  4. Click PKG on the corresponding installer card to download the file
    1. NOTE: A pop-up will appear that references your API Key. The API Key will be required during the setup of your deployment package.

Create Your Deployment Package

  1. Log in to your Microsoft Intune Portal
  2. In the left-hand menu, select Apps
  3. Click macOS apps then select  +Add
  4. Choose macOS app (PKG) from the app type dropdown and click Select
  5. Upload the .pkg file downloaded in the previous section
  6. Fill out the required fields under App information then click Next
    1. Name: Ex. Cerulean Installer (Mac)
    2. Description: Ex. Installs the AgileBlue Cerulean Agent on Mac devices
    3. Publisher: AgileBlue
  7. Leave Pre-install script blank
  8. Add the following to Post-install script (be sure to insert your dedicated API Key in place of APIKEYHERE in the final line)
    #! /bin/bash#

    check if binary is present on system
    if [ -f /usr/local/cerulean/cerulean-agent ]; then
    exit 0

    #perform the installation

    while true
      if [ -f /Applications/cerulean-arm.app/Contents/MacOS/mac_arm_installer3 ]; then

      if [ $attempt -ge $max_attempts ]; then
        exit 1
      attempt=$((attempt + 1))
      sleep 30

    cd /Applications/cerulean-arm.app/Contents/MacOS
    sudo ./mac_arm_installer3 install -a APIKEYHERE -u https://agentapi.agileblue.com
  9. Click Review + save
  10. Select macOS Monterey 12.0 from the Minimum operating system dropdown then hit Next
  11. Toggle Ignore app version to No
  12. Fill out the App bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier) and App version (CFBundleShortVersionString)
    1. App bundle ID: com.cerulean-agent
    2. App version: 2304.3.3
  13. Assign any device groups intended to receive the Cerulean Agent then select Next
  14. Review all information for accuracy then click Create

Need Help?

AgileBlue is always here to support you and ensure you are 100% successful. If there are any issues with the installation or if you have any questions, please reach out to AgileBlue Support.

Email: support@agileblue.com 
Phone: (216) 606-9400